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On the Farm - Sandy feet petting farm.

Since beginning to felt, I have learnt an enormous amount about WOOL !!!

It seems that I always just assumed a machine spun the wool into lovely colourful balls, which you then bought, and knitted or crochet etc.

But this learning process has really made me more aware of something that I never have appreciated before ... How NATURAL it is to work with and harvest WOOL.

I recently got invited to watch the sheep being sheared, and I couldn´t believe how much the sheep seemed to love it. They were like putty in the shearers hands. They knew that the HOT weather (yes, Ireland is currently experiencing a heatwave of 30C ) was on its way and they needed to get rid of those coats.

The shearer had four fleece types : Jacobs, Zwartable, Dorset & Valais

I selected a few pickings from each type and washed them and left them to dry on a pallet for a few days.

Theres me on the right hand side picking fleece

On Saturday last (the 23rd June) I had the wonderful and very experienced felter and spinner, Jacinta Scully join me at Sandy Feet farm where we carded, drop spun, felted and frame weaved some the wool.

So I have now completed the full process from the sheep´s back to that ball of wool..... But NATURALLY.

You can see the 4 wools together, felted into a touch piece at Sandy Feet Farm, Lower Camp, Tralee, Co. Kerry.

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